


To fulfill the missions mentioned above and meet the current trend in education, the Teachers College, with every effort, aims at achieving:

 1) ever-lasting excellence by implementing its accountability evaluation system,

 2) a creative and integrated learning environment by offering domain-based inter-disciplined curriculum,

 3) effective instruction by furnishing teaching resources enriched with updated facilities,

 4) outstanding academic prestige in educational research in terms of quality and quantity,

 5) high-quality compulsory education by strengthening its service of educational expertise and supervision,

 6) updated in-service programs for school teachers or educators,

 7) a vital faculty body by recruiting new scholars, well-trained in theory and practice,

 8) a flexible personnel structure to reflect the demands from our society by reshuffling personnel membership among the departments and graduate institutes,

 9) deep-rooted capacity in teaching and research by encouraging teamwork in Teachers College,

 10) active participation in cross-culture research projects via international academic or cultural exchanges,

 11) an IT teaching and learning environment by establishing an electronic teaching net-work on campus, and

 12) the leadership in educational policy through the integration of theory into educational practices.