Hu-Hui Lee Ph.D
Associate Professor
Tel: 05-2777768
Fax: 05-2717755
E-mail: hlee@mail.ncyu.edu.tw
2003, 6: Doctor of Philosophy, University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, Texas
1991, 6: Master of Science, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan
1983, 6: Bachelor of Science, National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
2014, 8-present, Associate professor, Department of Bio-Agricultural Sciences, National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Taiwan
2007, 8-2014, 7. Assistant professor, Department of Bio-Agricultural Sciences, National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Taiwan
2003, 10-2007, 7. Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
2003, 6-2003, 10. Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
1998, 6-2003, 6. Graduate Research Assistant II, University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
1996, 8-1998, 6. Graduate Research Assistant I, University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
1993, 6-1996, 6. Research Assistant, Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
1990, 3-1991, 8. Senior Research Technician, Developmental Center for Biotechnology, Taipei, Taiwan
1988, 6-1990, 3. Supervisor of Quality Control Section, Bristol-Myers Squibb Taiwan Pharmaceutical Branch, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan
1987, 8-1988, 6. Assistant Engineer, General Life Biotechnology, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan
1985, 10-1987, 7. Research Assistant, Panlab Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Taipei, Taiwan
Gene-targeting and transgenic mice designs and experiments
Histological assay on mouse development
Animal models for disease study
Stem cell culture and differentiation
Monoclonal antibody production (national patent) in mice and polyclonal antibody production in rabbits
Transgenic Animals and Cell Culture (Lecture and Laboratory)
Animal Developmental Biology
Animal Reproduction
Stem Cell Culture and Application
Animal Gene and Development
Cell Image Technology
Animal Molecular Genetics
Biology (Lecture and Laboratory)
Biotechnology (Lecture and Laboratory)
The Principal of Animal Embryology
Scientific Thesis Writing
1. Lee, Hu-Hui., Liao, Yun-Yu., Liu, Kui-Jyun, Tsai, Yi-Jin., Chen, Lih-Geeng., Cheng, Kur-Ta. (2014) Screening potential plant extracts to prevent osteoporosis using a cell model. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, National Chiayi University. 11(1):63-74.
2. Hu-Hui Lee, Jing-Yu Lee & Lan-Hsin Shih. (2013) Proper Fhl1 expression as Wnt signaling is required for chondrogenesis of ATDC5 cells. Animal Cells and Systems 17 (6):413-20 (SCI)
3. Lee HH, Sung MH. (2013) The neutrophil elastase mutant affects viability and differentiation of the human monocytic THP-1 cell. Cell Biochem Funct. 31(4): 305-11. (SCI)
4. Lee JY, Chien IC, Lin WY, Wu SM, Wei BH, Lee YE, Lee HH. (2012) Fhl1 as a downstream target of Wnt signaling to promote myogenesis of C2C12 cells. Mol Cell Biochem. 365(1-2):251-62. (SCI)
5. Nelson A. Arango, Akio Kobayashi, Ying Wang, Soazik P. Jamin, Hu-Hui Lee, Grant D. rvis, and Richard R. Behringer. A mesenchymal perspective of Müllerian duct differentiation and regression in Amhr2-lacZ mice. Molecular Reproduction and Development 2008,5:1154-62.
6. Duan Z, Person RE, Lee HH, Huang S, Donadieu J, Badolato R, Grimes HL, Papayannopoulou T, Horwitz MS. Epigenetic Regulation of Protein-Coding and MicroRNA Genes by the Gfi1-Interacting, Tumor Suppressor PRDM5. Mol Cell Biol. 2007, 27:6889-902.
7. Hu-Hui Lee and Richard R. Behringer (2007). Conditional Expression of Wnt4 during Chondrogenesis Leads to Dwarfism in Mice. PLoS ONE 2007, 2(5): e450
8. Marshall S. Horwitz, Zhijun Duan, Brice Korkmaz, Hu-Hui Lee, Matthew E. Mealiffe, and Stephen J. Salipante. Neutrophil elastase in cyclic and severe congenital neutropenia. Blood 2007 Mar 1;109(5):1817-24
9. Hu-Hui Lee, Wen-Hsui Chiang, Shian-Huey Chiang, Yin-Chang Liu, Jaulang Hwang, and Sun-Yu Ng. Regulation of Cyciln D1, DNA Topoisomerase I, and Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen Promoters During the Cell Cycle. Gene Expression. 4: 95-109, 1995.
10. Shu-Hui Liu, Hu-Hui Lee, Jia-Jia Chen, Chiou-Fen Chuang, and Sun-Yu Ng. Serum Response Element-regulated Transcription in the Cell Cycle: Possible Correlation with Microtubule Reorganization. Cell Growth & Differentiation. 5:447-455, 1994.
1. Yi-Jun Shen , Lan-Hsin Shih and Hu-Hui Lee. The influence of polybrene and protamine sulphate in mesenchymal stem cell transduction by lentivirus. (2013). The 13th Academic Conference for the Chinese-Taipei Society of Laboratory Animal Sciences.
2. Lan-Hsin Shih and Hu-Hui Lee. Estrogen represses Fhl1 to stimulate bone mineralization. (2012). The 12th Academic Conference for the Chinese-Taipei Society of Laboratory Animal Sciences.
3. Hu-Hui Lee, Jing-Yu Lee, I-Chun Chien, Win-Yu Lin, Shao-min Wu, Bo-Huei Wei, and Yu-En Lee. Fhl1 promotes myogenesis of C2C12 in response to Wnt signaling. (2012). SDB 71st Annual Meeting July 19 - 23, Montreal, Canada, p80-81, Montreal, Canada.
4. Yun-Yu Liao and Hu-Hui Lee. Screening plant extracts and functional studies on bone mineralization. (2011). The 11th Academic Conference for the Chinese-Taipei Society of Laboratory Animal Sciences.
5. Bo-Huei Wei and Hu-Hui Lee. Use lentivirus system to express Wnt signaling in lung tissue. (2011). The 11th Academic Conference for the Chinese-Taipei Society of Laboratory Animal Sciences.
6. Chun Chien and Hu-Hui Lee. The cloning and expression of the lung-specific sp-c promoter for studying Wnt4 gene function in lung branching morphogenesis. (2011). The 11th Academic Conference for the Chinese-Taipei Society of Laboratory Animal Sciences.
7. Win-Yu Lin and Hu-Hui Lee. The function of Wnt4 gene in murine lung development. (2011). The 11th Academic Conference for the Chinese-Taipei Society of Laboratory Animal Sciences.
8. Jing-Yu Lee and Hu-Hui Lee. The canonical Wnt-inducible factor Fhl1 inhibits chondrogeneis of ATDC5 cells. (2011). WNT 2011 annual meeting, June 29-July 3, Los Angel, USA
9. Shao-min Wu and Hu-Hui Lee. (2010). The possible association of Fhl1 and estrogen signaling in bone mineralization. The Academic Conference for the Translational Sciences of Animal Biotechnology.
10. Ming-Han Sung and Hu-Hui Lee. The effect of mutated neutrophil elastase in neutropenia. (2009). International Conference on Agricultural Biotech Frontier. Chiayi, Taiwan.
11. Hu-Hui Lee and Richard R. Behringer. (2002). Conditional Expression of Wnt4 During Skeleton Development. The American Society for Matrix Biology, Houston, Texas, USA.
12. Hu-Hui Lee and Richard R. Behringer. (2002). Conditional Expression of Wnt4 During Skeleton Development. Mouse Molecular Genetics Meeting 2002, Cold Spring harbor, New York, USA.
13. Hu-Hui Lee and Richard R. Behringer. (2001). Conditional Expression of Sox9 and Sry in Mouse Ovaries. The 54th Annual Symposium on Fundamental Cancer Research – Mechanism for Cell Growth and Differentiation, Houston, Texas, USA.
14. Hu-Hui Lee and Richard R. Behringer. (2001). Conditional Gene Expression of Sox9. The 9th SCBA international Symposium Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America, Taipei, Taiwan.
15. Hu-Hui Lee and Richard R. Behringer. (2000). Differential Screen for Sex-Specific Genes in the Mouse. The second International symposium on the Biology of vertebrate Sex Determination, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
16. Chao-Wei Liao, Hu-Hui Lee, Shinn-Liang Lai, and Jaulang Hwang. (1995). Establish a Protein System to Target p53 into Cells. Chinese Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, The Sixth SCBS international Symposium, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
17. J. H. Huang, H. H. Lee, Y. S. Chiang, C. Y. Lan, K. C. Shen and T. H. Chang (1991). Production of Monoclonal Antibodies to Human Leucocytes Differentiation Antigens. Chinese Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan.
1. Hu-Hui Lee (2002). Conditional expression of Sry, and Wnt4 by gene-targeting: studies in sexual and skeletal development. Graduation thesis
2. Hu-Hui Lee and Richard R. Behringer (2002). Conditional Expression of Wnt4 During Skeleton Development. The American Society for Matrix Biology, Houston, Texas, USA.
3. Hu-Hui Lee and Richard R. Behringer (2002). Conditional Expression of Wnt4 During Skeleton Development. Mouse Molecular Genetics Meeting 2002, Cold Spring harbor, New York, USA.
4. Hu-Hui Lee and Richard R. Behringer (2000). Differential Screen for Sex-Specific Genes in the Mouse. The second International symposium on the Biology of vertebrate Sex Determination, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
5. Lee,H.-H. (2001). Mus musculus SRY sex determining region Y-box 9 protein (Sox9) mRNA, complete cds. Accession: AF421878, GI:16226172. NCBI GenBank. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/
1. National Patent for Production of Monoclonal Antibodies against T helper cells, 1990, TW 081103959.
2. National Patent for Production of Monoclonal Antibodies against cytotoxic T cell, 1990, TW 080103126.