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The Department of Applied Chemistry offers the undergraduate program that leads to the Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry (B.S.). This undergraduate program is designed for students who intend to pursue advanced degrees in chemistry or other related fields. Students who enroll in this program are able to work as chemists in industry, government laboratories, or other related companies.

Trainings, including the theoretical and experimental aspects, for undergraduate students cover all the subdisciplines in chemistry. Students normally take required courses during their freshman and sophomore years. After they are knowledgeable in organic, inorganic, physical, analytical chemistry, and biochemistry, they are offered many research opportunities in their senior years. Thus, students are able to receive appropriate guidance from our dedicated faculty to develop their independent research abilities.

To prepare our students for further advanced studies or better curriculum opportunities, students are required to take at least three lecture courses from a list of core courses in their junior and senior years. These core courses cover the basic and the most updated knowledge in material science and biotechnology. After completing the program, our students are able to immediately devote themselves in related researches or jobs with minimum training.

For the application of International student admission, please fill in the following application form and send it to: The office of international student affairs, National Chiayi University, 300, Syuefu Rd., Chiayi 60004, Taiwan.
