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Maw-Tien Lee

Maw-Tien Lee 教授近照 
Title: Professor
Education: Ph.D., National Cheng Kung University
Research Area: Environmental Chemistry, Interfacial Chemistry
Tel: 886-5-271-7691


Research Interests:

Chemical Engineering


  1. Maw Tien Lee and Jer Ru Maa 1992 "The Effect of Extended Thin Film Evaporation during the Constant Drying Rate Period" Drying Technology Vol 10 No.1 pp.81-100. (EI) 計畫編號 :NSC-79-0402-E-006-18
  2. Maw Tien Lee and Jer Ru Maa 1992 "The Effects of Extended Thin Film Evaporation and External Diffusion Resistance During the Constant Drying Rate Period" Drying Technology Vol 10 No.2 PP.395-419.
  3. Maw Tien Lee and Jer Ru Maa 1992 "On the Interline Evaporating Region of a Wetting Thin Film" Drying Technology Vol.10 No.1 pp.101-122. (EI) 計畫編號 :NSC-79-0402-E- 006-18
  4. Maw Tien Lee and Jer Ru Maa 1992 "The effects of Extended Thin Film Evaporation and Extemal Diffusion Resistance during the Constant Drying Rate Period" Drying Technology Vol 10 No.2 PP.395-419. (EI) 計畫編號 :NSC-80-0402-E-006-28
  5. Maw Tien Lee Yu Min Yang and Jer Ru Maa 1992 "Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat Transfer in a Confined Spece between Two Parallel-Plates" Chemical Engineering Commnications Vol.117 pp.205-217. (EI) 計畫編號 :NSC-80-0402-E-006-28
  6. 周良動,張進益,黃景春, 李茂田 1994 " 嘉義縣東石地區地下水質調查及模擬分析 義農專學報, No.38 pp.63-74.
  7. 周良動, 李茂田 ,黃景春, 1994 " 地下水污染調查與污染源追蹤分析 嘉義農專學報, No.39 pp.89-104.
  8. 黃景春, 李茂田 ,周良動, 1994 " 集水區土地利用方式對水質之影響 嘉義農專學報, No.41 pp.107-122.
  9. Maw Tien Lee Yu Min Yang and Jer Ru Maa 1995 "Boiling of Mixtures in a Narrow Space" Chemical Engineering Communications Vol.134 PP.183-194. (EI) 計畫編號 :NSC-82-0402-E- 021-006
  10. Maw Tien Lee 1995 "The Effect of the Disjoining Pressure on the Surface Evaporation of a Porous Medium." Drying Technology Vol.13 No.8 pp. 2191-2205. (EI) 計畫編號 :NSC-82-0402-E- 021-006
  11. 李茂田 周良勳, 黃景春, 1996 " 八掌溪上游集水區乾季與旱季對水質之影響 " 嘉義農專學報, Vol.46 pp. 69-86.
  12. Maw Tien Lee 1996 "On the Mechanism of Evaporation of Water from a Non-hygroscopic Porous Medium" International Communications of Heat and Mass Trans. Vol. 23 No.7 pp.939-946. (SCI)
  13. 李茂田 周良勳, 陳永祥, 1996 "Pyridine 對鎘離子在氧化鋁之吸附影響研究 " 工程環境 No6 March pp.71-77.
  14. 李茂田 1996 " 水份在非吸濕性多孔體表面蒸研究 " 中國農業工程學會農工學報, Vol.42 No.2 pp.60-86.
  15. Maw Tien Lee , Zhen-qin Wang, and Jen Ray Chang, 2003,“ Activated-Carbon-Supported NaOH for Removal of HCl from Reformer Process Stream. I nd. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol.42, pp.6166-617. (SCI)
  16. Chou. L. H., Maw-Tien Lee* , C.C. Huang., J.D. Cheng., and Y.C. Lu. 2003, “Tire Rubber Particles in Cement Paste”, ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNYATSENI, Suppl. Vol.42, pp.99-103. (EI)
  17. L.H.Chou, J.D.Cheng , Maw Tien Lee*, 2005, The effects of intermolecular forces on the preparation of the organic waste-cement pastes , ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNYATSENI, Suppl. Vol.44 pp.66-70. (EI)
  18. Lee,Y.C., Chou,L.H., Cheng,J.D., Ku,C.K. and Maw Tien Lee*, 2005, Effects of polymer soil conditioners on plant germination. ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNYATSENI, Suppl. Vol.44. pp.71-76. (EI)
  19. Liang-Hsing Chou, Ru-In Tsai, Jen-Ray Chang, Maw Tien Lee*, 2006, Regenerable Adsorbent for the Removal of Ammonia Evolved From Anaerobic Reaction of Animal Urine, J. Environmental Sciences, 18(6),1176-1181. (SCI).
  20. Liang Hsing Chou, Jing Ku Lu, Jen-Ray Chang*, Maw Tien Lee*, 2007, Use of Waste Rubber as Concrete Additives., Waste Management & Research, Vol.25 (65-76)(SCI).
  21. Yuan-chih Lee, Jack D. Cheng, Chun-Ku Lu, Liang-Hsing Chou, Maw Ttien Lee*, 2007, PVA used as a soil conditioner: aging and interaction forces with soils, ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNYATSENI, Suppl.Vol.46 (262-265). (EI)
  22. Shih-chieh Yang, Maw Tien Lee*, 2007, On homogeneous basic catalysts process of biodiesel production, ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNYATSENI Suppl.Vol.46 (260-261). (EI)
  23. Lin Tzongbin , Lee Maw-Tien, 2009, On improvements of rubcrete, ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni,
  24. Liang-Hisng Chou, Chun-Nan Lin, Chun-Ku Lu, Cheng-Haw Lee, Maw-Tien Lee, 2010,Improving rubber concrete by waste organic sulfur compounds, Waste Management & Research
  25. Liang-Hsing Chou , Cho-Kun Yang , Maw-Tien Lee , Chia-Chen Shu, 2010, Effects of partial oxidation of crumb rubber on properties of rubberized mortar, Composites: Part B
  26. Maw-Tien Lee , Wei-Ting Wu, 2011, Study on Morphologies of PAM Films, Advanced Materials Research
  27. L.H. Chou1, L.K Lin2 and M.T. Lee2,a, 2011, On the Improvement of Fiber Reinforced Concrete through Surface Modification of Polypropylene by Grafting Method, Advanced Materials Research
  28. Liang-Hsign Chou1,a, Maw-Tien Lee2*,b, 2011, Characteristics and Applications of the AAm-Grafting PE, Advanced Materials Research, 415 ,1457-1460
  29. L.H. Chou1, L.K Lin2 and M.T. Lee2,a, 2011, On the Improvement of Fiber Reinforced Concrete through Surface Modification of Polypropylene by Grafting Method, Advanced Materials Research, 194 , 1693-1696 
  30. Liang-Hsing Chou 1, Chun-Ku Lu 2,Maw-Tien Lee 3 *, 2011, Studies on improving PP fiber reinforced concrete, Advanced Materials Research, 250 , 678-681
  31. Liang-Hsign Chou, Jhih-Long Tung, Maw-Tien Lee, 2012, Enhancing interfacial bond between PP and cement hydrates, Advanced Science Letters
  32. Liang-Hsing Chou1 Jhih-Long Tung2 and Maw-Tien Lee2*, 2014, Improving the Cement Based Reinforced Composites by Use of Partially Oxidized PP Fiber, Advanced Materials Research, 1051, pp 706-710