
管樂合奏 Wind Ensemble

課程名稱:管樂合奏Wind Ensemble

探討及演奏對管樂團及合奏在音樂史上重要的作品其曲式.旋律. 節奏及和聲的特質,並以學術的觀點,配合上現場的合奏練習,深入的分析其樂曲的背景結構 和聲以及節奏等等 ,


Explore the history of the wind and ensemble in the music works its musical form. Melody. Rhythm and harmony of the characteristics and academic point of view, with a live demonstration performances, in-depth analysis of the structure of their music in order to develop students ability to think independently and performance skills, and through systematic analysis of their class repertoire will be hidden in the notes, the composer more in-depth thinking and mental performance in the play at the same time.